someone using a hearing health app

A new conversation around health data

October 7, 2019

MD of Firefish Healthcare,  Dr Bob Cook, has written an article for WARC, all about the importance of getting a more holistic picture of real life, so that healthcare brands can engage and connect better with people.

Drawing on his years of experience as a psychiatrist and leading a myriad of global healthcare insight projects, as well as his passion for, and development of, approaches that get a better, more accurate picture of real life, he argues that brands that take the time to look at the bigger picture will not only get better insight, but will also engage better with people, with the potential to really change their lives for the better.

If you have a healthcare insight challenge you would like to talk us about, or want to know more about how we could deliver a more holistic view of your audience’s lives, then just get in touch with Firefish Healthcare.

Read the article here


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